Best Tips & Tricks For Lawn and Garden Maintenance Information

Lawn and Garden Maintenance Tips And Tricks

Garden Maintenance: When spring and summer come, there is one thing that is always placed on top of everyone’s to-do list – lawn and garden maintenance. Doing so could mean either mean taking on the maintenance challenge on your own or calling a professional to do it for you. If you choose the former, then you can keep the following tips in mind.

Garden maintenance tips

Clean the area and repair what’s broken.

Cleaning and repairing are fundamental steps in accomplishing a well-maintained garden and lawn. Cleaning may begin by identifying the problematic areas in your garden. For instance, check the areas where there are dead grass, uneven ground, and wet soil. You can start weeding out unwanted grass and loosening up the soil using your garden hose. Note that the wet soil can also be an indicator of a drainage problem.

Land clearing in your garden may also require you to remove bushes, shrubs, and stumps to redevelop the site. Cleaning also requires the removal of your pet droppings. If you are keen on driving away rodents, you may ask a contractor to do a little spraying, too.

Check the soil’s health and start replacing, reseeding, and fertilizing as needed.

Once the garden is clean and you have completely gotten rid of weeds and dried leaves, you may start aerating the soil. Once the soil returns to its excellent condition, replanting of grass and reseeding can be done next. Fertilizing is also an excellent way to replenish the soil’s lost nutrients.

Before planting, you should also check the acidity level of your soil. The pH levels of 6.0 or 7.2 are ideal for maintaining a lawn. To test the pH level, grab some random samples from anywhere in the garden and have them tested. A proper pH would maximize the effects of the fertilizers in your garden.

Do mechanical or manual watering.

For big gardens, it would always be helpful to have sprinklers installed. A garden sprinkler system is designed to water the garden evenly. However, you can do manual watering to ensure that your lawn turns lush green and healthy.

Be keen on checking the grass in the shade and the grass that is exposed to the sun.

One common mistake homeowners make is that they tend to apply too many fertilizers in areas where grass grows in shade. Doing so would only kill the grass in the shade a lot faster. It is important to know that the fertilizer needs of grass also depend on which area of the garden it grows.

As a general rule, the grass in shady part of the backyard only requires less water and fewer fertilizers. The water and the fertilizer do not evaporate quickly in this area. Therefore, only about 50% of the amount of fertilizer and water used in the exposed areas should be utilized here. The same rule applies to shrubs and small plants.

A healthy lawn and a beautiful garden add to the overall aesthetic value of your home. Understanding lawn and garden maintenance tricks and tips can breathe new life to your surrounding.

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